On Tuesday May 3rd (ACT Cube), Saturday May 7th (The Herter Garden) and Wednesday May 11th (ACT Cube) we are holding Soma Salons that suggest the idea of a movement, the bodily, as being the starting point for a discussion. Informed by eight Morning Conversations that were made into pod-casts during Fall 2020, these Soma Salons are culmination of the artistic research residency Dr.Akinleye conducted at MIT.
Tuesday May 3rd – 8pm-9.30pm (starting at ACT Cube + walk in Cambridge)Balancing the Morning Conversations (https://www.adesolaakinleye.com/podcasts/adesola-mit/) this is evening Soma Salon responds to the Lexicon Akinleye has been exploring/developing during residency and by the city itself (Boston and Cambridge). Choreography the pathways of meaning inscribed by the city by how we move through it we will walk linking points in the city where three guest speaks will respond to one lexicon word. The words of the lexicon are suggested as a set of ideas/words that speak to the notion of Place-making from a trans disciplinary perspective (across the disciplines of dance, architecture, urban studies, curation, music, film etc…).
Speaking will be Erin Genia, artist, ACT alumna and lecturer at SFMA and Tufts University https://smfa.tufts.edu/directory/erin-genia, Jean-Luc Pierite, community linguist and head of United American Indians of New England http://www.uaine.org, and Garnette Cadogan, the Tunney Lee Distinguished Lecturer in the School of Architecture and Planning at MIT https://dusp.mit.edu/faculty/garnette-cadogan