Book Launch of Navigations: Scoring the Moment

The launch of my book with @cityastheatre and @marta.michalowska editor. Join us to celebrate the launch of Navigations: Scoring the Moment. Groupwork @groupwork_arch

‘There are cities that are walking cities or driving cities; there are quiet, loud, fast, slow, broad or high cities, and the bodies within them are shaped by the need to navigate them, while that process of navigation, in turn, shapes the cities. Urban designers, engineers, architects, exhibition curators and choreographers share a common interest in creating movement around, in, and through places.

Each of these disciplines comes with its own language, verbal and/or somatic: a structured system of words, ideas, movements, rules, meanings and assumptions that can lead to slippages or ‘failures’ in communication outside the narrow field of their specialisms. And those instances of slippages have provided the starting point for dancer, choreographer and Theatrum Mundi’s Research Fellow Adesola Akinleye to define a transdisciplinary lexicon of Place-making: a scaffolding for shared exploration, liberating communication from the contingencies and limitations of different subject areas.’

I will be in conversation with TM Co-Director Marta Michalowska and guests including Helen Kindred.