– authored with Rose Payne, published in Journal of Dance Education (JODE)
citation: Akinleye, A. and R. Payne (2016) Transactional Space: Feedback, critical thinking, and learning dance technique, Journal of Dance Education, Vol.16 Iss: 4, pp.144-148,
Abstract: This article explores attitudes about feedback and critical thinking in dance technique classes. We discuss an expansion of our teaching practices to include feedback as bi-directional (transactional) and a part of developing critical thinking skills in student dancers.
At the beginning of our inquiry we were interested in exploring how students received ‘feedback’. We thought this would involve discovering more about the forms and ways feedback can be communicated to students, particularly how a climate of negative feedback can be avoided in the classroom.
However, as we carried out the research we realized that merely looking at how feedback is communicated constructs feedback as one directional. We questioned whether we had been placing enough importance on the notion that feedback can be transactional. Following John Dewey, we take the term transactional to indicate dynamic, co-created relationships and environments (Dewey 2008).
Key words: dance pedagogy, critical thinking, ballet, contemporary dance, reflection.