
Adesola Akinleye dancing with hand near her mouth


Dr. Adesola Akinleye is an interdisciplinary artist-scholar and choreographer. Adesola has created works ranging from live performance that is often site-specific and involves a cross-section of the community to films, installations and texts. 

A key aspect of Adesola’s process is the artistry of opening creative practices to everyone from women in low wage employment to ballerinas to performance for young audiences. Adesola’s work is characterized by an interest in voicing people’s lived-experiences in Places through creative moving portraiture. 

“The heart of language is not ‘expression’ of something antecedent, much less expression of antecedent thought. It is communication; the establishment of cooperation in an activity in which there are partners.” – John Dewey

Adesola Akinleye in performance
photo: L. Gilby

“Dyslexic, visual, dancer, choreographer that I am, I see movement, verbal and image all as elements of the cooperation of communication. Communicating how we experience the world and what we hope for the past-present-future. My work always begins and ends within dance but in partnership, across disciplines, generations and locations.

Transdisciplinary work to explore at the perceived boundaries: the projected edges of us, where multiplicity and intra-action live. As Karen Barad suggests, intra-action understands agency as not an inherent property of an individual or human to be exercised, but as a dynamism of forces. Art witnesses agency. My work thus sits across text, image, film and dance to communicate the lived experience of movement.”


View Adesola’s transdisciplinary work 

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Edited and Authored

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Book chapters

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Peer review journals and industry journals

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Sound scapes, audio interviews and discussions

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Films, video, installations, performance

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Lectures, keynote speeches, workshops & performance happenings